
Stress Awareness Tipsheet

Stress is a normal part of life. It is a state of mental or physical tension, which is our body’s natural response to challenging or threatening situations. In appropriate doses, stress can be positive and helpful. It can give us a burst of energy, sharpen our focus, that can help us get things done and…

When new year resolutions begin to fade, what do you do?

A Forbes article from 2021 cited a study that found that nearly 80% of people admitted to abandoning their New Year's resolutions by February every year. As a practicing psychotherapist setting and following through with resolutions, invoking change as I like to call it, is a subject that I have the pleasure of approaching daily…

Looking After Your Mental Health During the Lunar New Year

Most of us will associate the Lunar New Year with a time of celebration, joy and spending time with family and friends. But for some people it can instead be a time of worry, dread, or loneliness.Traditionally, the Lunar New Year necessitates a time for friends and families to gather together as its customary to…

When Sleep is Elusive

Many people experience sleep difficulties at some point in their lives. It can be terribly unpleasant to lie awake for hours, tossing and turning—it leaves us feeling exhausted and unwell. Conversely, when we sleep well, it can make us feel ten years younger. Good sleep is vital to a person’s wellbeing, and every day, scientists…

The Inevitable Holiday Season Stress and How to Cope

The holiday season is the most wonderful time of the year…right? The answer may be more complex than you would think. A survey conducted by the American Psychological Association reported that although 3 out of 4 respondents have positive experiences, about 38 percent of respondents noted increased stress levels during the holiday season. Given the…

“ I am fine, I am just stressed”

Every day we are bombarded with stress triggers whether it is financial difficulties, worries about work, family concerns and relationship issues, plus an ongoing pandemic, it is no surprise that 56% of us are reporting stress symptoms.  Stress can be experienced in different ways although there are common symptoms that may be useful to identify. …

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