Pre Marriage Counselling


Many of us prepare for most things in life. We prepare for holidays. We prepare for job interviews. We prepare for dinner. We prepare for the kids to get into the right schools, albeit kindergarten and/or college. We prepare our immune system through vaccines. So, why wouldn’t we prepare for marriage? We prepare for the wedding day, purchase the dress, book the venue, invite the guests, but do we prepare for the marriage?

Dr. Michele has worked in the area of pre-marriage counselling in Hong Kong for more than 20 years. She knows that couples may either be afraid to talk about their relationship with a therapist or simply put, they never thought about the value and importance of pre-marriage counselling. Dr. Michele argues that “pre-marriage counselling can be the best thing you can do for yourself and for the marriage. Pre-marriage counselling can start your relationship off on a solid foundation.”

Pre-marriage counselling will facilitate the opportunity to address topics that are vital for a healthy marriage. Together we will process unresolved conflict, identify issues related to cross-cultural differences, celebrate strengths and growth areas, as well as, address family of origin dynamics. Through a series of several sessions, we will explore topics such as:

• Effective Communication
• Conflict Resolution
• Children and Parenting
• Money
• Sex and Intimacy
• Life goals and Marital expectations
• In-laws and Parents

Experts say, the average couple waits six years before seeking help for marital problems. (Gottman) Get off to a good start and be as prepared as possible.
If you are interested in scheduling a pre marriage counselling session with Dr. Michele Bland or have further queries, please contact us today.

About The Author

Dr. Michele A. Bland

Dr. Michele has worked with pre-marriage couples in Hong Kong for more than twenty years, she also works with couples in conflict, couples who are struggling to communicate, and couples who are stressed.